Travel tours and holiday hotels booking right now: The best online travel sites are wonderful not only plan your next trip for peace of mind, they’re also a fun way to get excited ahead of your next adventure. You can simply go to one site and plan most of your trip’s main parts from flights and hotels to rental cars and excursions. While what many of these sites offer is similar, it’s the way in which they do it which is important. The last thing you need is a stress-inducing website when planning to go away to relax and unwind. So we’ve reviewed the best sites based on their price, of course, but also on the way they work, with the ease of use and clarity as important features. Read additional info on

Fly cheap with points or miles! All companies want to make you loyal. Airlines give you points on every flight, which bring discounts later. The low-cost ones give you the opportunity to buy loyalty cards and thus cheaper plane tickets. So don’t ignore them. Do not travel during the season or when there are holidays or cultural events! “Make a sleigh in the summer and a chariot in the winter!”. It’s about the same on the travel side. For example, if you go to Indonesia in August, the plane ticket jumps by a thousand euros per person, but if you go off-season, even if it’s still raining, you can get a good deal: 500-600 euros the ticket plane.

Stretching for six kilometers, Jomtien Beach is at the top of the places to visit in Pattaya and a welcome escape from the bustle of the main city four kilometers away. You can sunbathe along its golden shores or take refuge in shade provided by trees at the beach’s edge. Water lovers can enjoy all kinds of activities, including jet-skiing, kitesurfing, parasailing, and windsurfing. When you need refreshment, you’ll find plenty of restaurants and cafes along the beach serving local fare and fresh seafood. Right nearby, family-friendly Cartoon Network Amazone is an action-packed water park replete with spiraling slides, sprawling pools, splashing fountains, and cartoon-themed rides and characters.

Located in the Central Provinces, Hue was Vietnam’s imperial capital from 1802 to 1945, the home of a dynasty of Nguyen Emperors and the nation’s political, cultural and religious heart. All those imperial legacies, a collection of relatively well-preserved ancient monuments, royal court traditions and relics of great historical and cultural importance, now come listed as a UNESCO World Cultural Heritage Site, or ‘Complex of Hue Monuments.’ Thus, this amiable, languid city, majestic beside the scenic Perfume River, offers visitors many attractions to see, many easily accessed by bicycle or on leisurely ‘Dragon Boat‘ cruises.

One of the most well-maintained beaches in Essaouria, the windy stretch of yellow sand along the Atlantic is a haven for surfers and kite surfers. Mogador Island juts up from the waters, camels and donkeys trot across the sands, the squawking of seagulls rings through the skies, the salty sea air combines with the smells of seafood, and the old citadel overlooks the waves. A remote canyon, the Todra Gorge is a terrific place for hiking and camel trekking. Towering multi-coloured rocks in shades of browns and reds rise impressively either side of where the now-dry river used to flow. The local population is mainly Berber.

A merger of South Africa’s Kalahari Gemsbok National Park and Botswana’s Gemsbok National Park, the Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park is one of the largest wilderness areas in the world. Established in 2000, it is Africa’s first officially declared transfrontier park and one of the top places to visit in South Africa’s Northern Cape. Gnarled camel thorn trees, red sands, golden grasslands, and deep blue skies provide a bold backdrop for photographs and game viewing. Among the huge diversity of wildlife, this vast conservation area is home to the famous black-maned Kalahari lion; stately gemsbok, with their V-shaped horns; the sprawling nests of sociable weavers; meerkats; and many birds of prey. Other predators such as leopards, cheetahs, and hyenas are also found here. Four-wheel drive vehicles are recommended for some of the minor rugged roads or for those venturing into Botswana.

Essaouira is one of the top Morocco tourist attractions. And not just because it’s a great city to get away from the heat and monotony of the big city’s lifestyle, but also because it’s the place where season three of Game of Thrones was shot! What makes it more popular is that back in the 60’s, this seaside town was a popular beach hangout for celebrities like Jimi Hendrix and Bob Marley. You never know, you might just end up meeting your favourite celeb on your visit to Essaouira! If not, do not miss the Gnaoua, one of the most vivid beach festivals in the world.

One of the largest caves in the world, and certainly the largest in Vietnam, is Hang Son Doong. Approximately three million years old, Hang Son Doong Cave is an incredible destination unlike anywhere else on the planet. The cave is enormous, and it is possible for dozens of people to camp within it at a time. Bright blue water pools are located in the cave, and a river runs through it. Lush greenery lines the walls, thanks to erosion that lets in beams of sunlight. The cave is ethereal, and guided tours are available to best explore this amazing landmark.

Hermanus in Walker Bay is world-renowned as one of the best whale-watching spots on the planet, allowing you to get close to these massive animals on a boat tour, by kayak or just watching them from the shore. The Southern Right whales grow to a massive 18 meters long and can weigh up to 80 tons, these animals really are huge. The name ‘Southern Right’ comes from the fact that they were seen as the ‘right’ whales to hunt in the past, because they swim relatively slow and don’t dive for too long, spending a lot of time on the surface.

Not strictly in Pattaya but half way between there and Bangkok sits Flight of the Gibbon, a complete adventure for the whole family. An excellent opportunity to have a lot of fun whilst taking in some beautiful views of the jungle. The course is three kilometers long and consists of twenty two zip-lines as well as two abseiling stations. With an impeccable safety record this is the one place in Thailand where you should feel completely safe whilst doing something you would not do back at home.

Plan your trip as early as you can! In general, you will get a low price if you buy the plane ticket as far in advance as possible compared to the travel date (generally more than 21 days before departure). Airline ticket prices tend to increase as you get closer to the travel date, so the prices of tickets bought in advance will be lower than the prices of tickets bought a few days before departure. The Sunday rule and the 3-day rule: Two of the most common rules imposed by airlines in order to benefit from a promotional fare are the Sunday rule and the 3-day rule. To ensure that you get a minimum price for plane tickets, try to include in your trip at least 3 days of stay at the destination or a Saturday night.

For our Spanish visitors: es un gigante en el mundo de las reservas de vacaciones y no sólo ofrece más de medio millón de propiedades en más de 207 países, sino también También ofrece vuelos y servicios de alquiler de coches. Como tal, puedes hacerlo todo desde este único lugar, lo que la convierte en una opción muy fácil de usar. Dicho esto, están sucediendo muchas cosas y la interfaz de usuario puede resultar un poco abrumadora a veces. Pero con un excelente programa de recompensas, es una excelente opción que lo alienta a seguir regresando, lo que facilita su uso a medida que se acostumbra. Incluso puede ordenar el alquiler de su taxi desde este sitio, lo que significa que tendrá muy poco en qué pensar cuando viaje, ya que todo está planeado con anticipación. Tampoco tiene que pagar una tarifa de reserva en muchos hoteles, lo que le permite seguir siendo flexible, ideal si viaja mucho durante su viaje.

¡Vuela barato con puntos o millas! Todas las empresas quieren fidelizarte. Las aerolíneas te dan puntos en cada vuelo, lo que te otorga descuentos más adelante. Los de bajo coste te dan la oportunidad de comprar tarjetas de fidelidad y, por tanto, billetes de avión más baratos. Así que no los ignores. ¡No viajes durante la temporada o cuando haya días festivos o eventos culturales! “¡Haz un trineo en verano y un carro en invierno!”. En el lado de los viajes ocurre más o menos lo mismo. Por ejemplo, si vas a Indonesia en agosto, el billete de avión sube mil euros por persona, pero si vas fuera de temporada, aunque siga lloviendo, puedes conseguir una buena oferta: 500-600 euros el billete de avión. . Encontrar adicional información at Civitatis.

El WWF (World Wildlife Fund) califica a Hermanus como uno de los 12 mejores destinos de avistamiento de ballenas en el mundo. . Hermanus es un gran lugar para una escapada de fin de semana desde Ciudad del Cabo. En temporada tienes muchas opciones diferentes para ver estos magníficos animales. Las ballenas no son los únicos animales que se pueden ver en las expediciones oceánicas. Hay oportunidades para ver los Marine Big 5; Ballenas, Tiburones, Focas, Delfines y Pingüinos en cruceros por la zona. Este pequeño pueblo tiene mucha oferta que incluye fincas vitivinícolas de clase mundial, excelentes restaurantes y una gran variedad de museos y actividades de aventura. Para obtener más información, consulte nuestra Guía completa de cosas que hacer en Hermanus. Para los tours de avistamiento de ballenas en Walker Bay (Hermanus), tiene 3 opciones: tours que salen de Hermanus, Gansbaai o Ciudad del Cabo. ¿Avistamiento de ballenas desde Gansbaai o Hermanus? – Los tours de avistamiento de ballenas desde el puerto de Hermanus son excelentes para ver ballenas francas australes. Además de las ballenas, en estos viajes también podrás ver delfines, focas, pingüinos y aves marinas. Ver una mayor variedad de animales marinos en un safari Marine Big 5 desde Gansbaai es una mejor opción. Solo hay 5 licencias de barcos para interacciones con ballenas en Walker Bay para garantizar un impacto mínimo en las ballenas. Todos estos tours están bien calificados, con muchas reseñas, eche un vistazo a las actividades y lea un par de reseñas de diferentes personas antes de reservar. La hora del día no es realmente importante con el avistamiento de ballenas, tiene muchas posibilidades de viendo los animales todo el día. En temporada alta los tours salen 3 veces al día. La mayoría de los recorridos se encuentran en Hermanus New Harbor, encuéntrelo en Google Maps. El tiempo de reunión suele ser de 45 min. Antes de la salida. Es agradable en el puerto y un buen lugar para tomar un café o comer algo antes de su excursión de avistamiento de ballenas. Se dice que Hermanus ofrece el mejor avistamiento de ballenas desde tierra del mundo; en temporada, las ballenas francas australes se pueden ver desde la costa de la zona, acercándose a tan solo 5 m de la costa rocosa. La ciudad tiene un hermoso sendero acantilado que rodea la costa a lo largo de 12 km desde el mirador de West Cliff, cerca del puerto nuevo de Hermanus, hasta llegar a Grotto Beach. El sendero del acantilado ofrece excelentes miradores para ver las ballenas.